
Showing posts from 2012

Seeing the Newtown Tragedy from God's perspective.

I would like to add a voice to the Tragedy that came upon the small quiet community of Newtown Connecticut on December 14, 2012. So many questions arise after such a painful event: Why does a good God allow such things to happen? How do these families go on from here? How can schools and society prevent this senseless violence in the future? How do we as a society intervene with those who are showing signs of " mental illness ?" I'd like to zero in on one aspect of the myriad of questions that has arisen: that of the nature of man.  I'd like to look at the nature of man; from a theological perspective, which is another way of saying from God's perspective. We can't understand the nature of man unless we examine his nature from the perspective of the creator. Let's lay out the foundation for this position. Man is a created being, he did not evolve nor is he continuing to evolve. The declaration in Genesis 1:26-27 is that man is created, and carries a...

Falling off the moral cliff!!

While I realize that the United States of America is not a theocracy; however, we are most definitely a country that was founded on a natural law. I don't think that there would be too much debate that our country has been drifting steadily toward a deadening moral decay. The other day I read this report by the CDC: "More than 40 percent of all babies born in the country last year, the report said, were born to unmarried women." While there are many social and moral harbingers that our country is on a moral downgrade I think that  this one statistic stands out. You might be tempted to ask why? out of all the signs of moral decay, why this one? Personally I've worked with youth and have witnessed first hand the pain and anguish of young boys who grow up without a father in their lives. God's blueprint for the family is found in the first book of the Bible and gives...

The Fiscal Cliff

Thoughts on today's election results: We are truly a divided country, and we are divided over political ideology and worldview. There is no government that can be all things to all people; the United States is the most eclectic country in the world. We as a country are doomed to failure when the government tries to sell itself by offering promises to the people. When a government becomes the genie who hands out treats and goodies to the masses, the masses become then a perpetual voting group for the party who can dole out the most freebies. The farther down this slippery slope we travel the closer we get to accepting a government that will rule, not according to constitutional law, but by tyranny. The voice was loud and clear when our Founding Fathers warned that there is a price to liberty. The price of liberty is that we as a people hold our elected representatives’ to govern by the rule of law (our constitution). As Benjamin Franklin observed at the founding of...
Continuing with the theme of Bonhoeffer---what an excellent topic for today, where does authority come from? Listen to Bonhoeffer (p. 141). The difference between real leadership an the false leadership of the Leader was this: real leadership derived its authority from God, the source of all goodness. Thus parents have a legitimate authority because they are submitted to the legitimate authority of a good God. But the authority of the Fuhrer was submitted to nothing. It was self-derived and autocratic and therefore had a messianic aspect. Note: This was part of a radio address that Bonhoeffer gave on January 30, 1933 when Adolf Hitler become the democratically elected chancellor of Germany. The speech was titled " The Younger Generations Altered Concept of Leadership." The speech dealt with the fundamental problems of leadership by a Fuhrer (der Fuhrer in German "the leader), explaining how such a leader inevitable becomes an idol and a "mis-leader.  ...

Character traits of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I've been reading Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. I'm on page 81 of a book that has over 500 pages. There has been many things that have moved me and inspired me in the 80 pages that I've taken in, but today I'd like to share some of the remarkable character traits that Eric Metaxas has gleaned from Bonhoeffer's family friends, and college professors. Now keep in mind that these character traits that I'd like to share were ascribed to Bonhoeffer when he was still just a teenager or a very young man. Bonhoeffer received his doctorate degree in theology at the age of 21. He had already decided to become a theologian as a young teen, but if you read the book you will find that God began to give Bonhoeffer a pastoral heart and eventually he went into the pastorate. Listed below are just a few of the character traits that were used to describe a young precoucius Bonhoeffer: 1. A fellow member of the Igel -pronounced eagle-means he...

Three heroes at Aurora

Leadership, heroes, portraits of courage, its all found in the three young men who gave their lives so that their beloved girlfriends could live. Here's the headline from a local Aurora, Colorado news paper:  'Dark Knight Rises' shooting: Three heroes died in Aurora taking bullets for their girlfriends The Daily News goes on to report:  Three survivors of the Colorado movie-theater massacre escaped with minor wounds, but were left with broken hearts because their heroic boyfriends died saving them. In final acts of valor, Jon Blunk, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves used their bodies to shield their girlfriends as accused madman James Holmes turned the Aurora cineplex into a shooting gallery. The Daily News goes into detail and describes for its readers the acts of valor in detail. For instance, we are given a detailed account of what happened by Jansen Young the girlfriend of Jon Blunk. She tells the Daily News how Jon pushed her to the f...

Leadership is influence

I recently (August 2011 graduated) decided to go back to school and get a masters degree. As I took out the school's catalog, I started to search for a major that looked interesting, (and had the least credits) and would help in the field that I was currently in (social work). Well, I decided to take up professional leadership---a track that seemed to me  the most practical. I reasoned that in some regard we are all leaders, whether we are dads, moms, husbands, wives, students, or teachers, we all lead in some respect. So, I concluded that I fit at least two areas of leadership, being a father and a husband. But as I pondered even further, I said, "hold up here," I claim to be follower of Jesus, so I'm a leader again, I'm doing social work, so I'm a leader again, I'm a small group facilitator, so I'm a leader again. It really struck me that leadership touches every aspect of our lives. All of that for this: The one sticky from all my courses t...

A Few Thoughts on the Trayvon Martin Case

A few thoughts about the Trayvon Martin case. On March 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was killed in a gated community in Florida. The black teenager was shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, who was not arrested by the Sanford police because he claimed self-defense. Since then, the case has caught fire on a national level and has become a lightning rod for social justice, prompting protests and rallies across the country calling for Zimmerman's arrest. USA Today / News did a story called "Trayvon Martin's Case Turns Into Brand"---"From the T-shirt and hoodie sales to trademarking slogans like "Justice for Trayvon." Websites are hawking key chains bearing Trayvon Martin 's likeness. His parents have bought two trademarks, saying they hope to raise money to help other families struck by tragedy. Trayvon clothes, bumper stickers, buttons and posters are up for grabs on eBay. We even had a sitting U.S. Congressman wh...

Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler

I've just recently started reading a book by Robert Gellately, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler and was struck with the adjectives that the author used to describe the leadership styles of these depraved, debased, and debauched men. The author described these men as visionaries, men who were relentless in the pursuit of their goals, never allowing their mission and vision to be compromised. Gellately characterized these men as always being smart enough to get the "right people on their team," surrounding themselves with people who would support their mission and vision. Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler were all marked by a dogged determination to fulfill their dreams, these men would let nothing stand in their way; their passion and drive carried them to complete their goals. So, these are the kind of character traits that I've read about in every leadership book that I've ever read. These men exhibited the same leadership traits that many of us strive to emulate---...

Be Relentless

You know there is a barrel of words that can be used to describe what a "leader looks like," well, this word may have been on the bottom of the barrel, but it really jumped out for me, the word is RELENTLESS. In Paula Broadwell's  new book All In: The Education Of David Petraeus, Broadwell describes the Four-star general-turned-CIA director as RELENTLESS. Just the title of the book "All In," describes the General as one who was "sold out," some may be familiar with the term "All In" as a phrase used in poker meaning--- to wager one's entire stake. There are times as leaders when we have to put the "pedal to the metal" and just "take off", be on the "attack," and just be "All In." How about if we take this principle of being RELENTLESS and apply it to our pursuit of God; have you ever heard people testify that they “tried” Jesus but it didn’t work; something else eventually fills the ...

Leadership And Narcissism

Leadership And Narcissism! Leadership Journal (fall 2010, JR Kerr.) featured an excellent article on "Pastoral Narcissism," here are a few highlights from that article. The main thrust of the article is that community provides the cure for personal ambition. When the "whole" is the concentration and not the "parts" then there is no room for personal ambition and self promotion. When leaders view the church as a platform to build their own personal brand of ministry they then have lost the Biblical vision of their calling to serve the community through the use of their gifts. Another form of narcissism that leaders in the Church face is the fear of making hard decisions so that no one ever gets offended.  Let me frame this in the context of the pastor not confronting open sin as the shepherd of the people of God. Leaders in the Church must place the purity of the "whole" above their own need for personal approval. I want to empha...

We Need More Shepherds In The Church

Most leadership models in our Churches look like this: Taken from Gordon Fee's " Listening To The Spirit In The Text" I believe that the Biblical model - without clergy at all, but with identifiable leadership, consists of leaders who are part of the whole people of God The New Testament presents leadership more in terms of shepherding and tending to the household of faith, than it does to ruling and  dictating. Christ is the head of the Church: "He is the head of the body , the church"—Col. 1:18. Leaders in the Church function under Christ:   "not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock" ---- 1 Peter 5:3.  Leaders are to function as servants: They kept in their heart what Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them . Yet it shall not be so among you ; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your ...